There are so many wonderful crafts that could be inspired by reading The Snowman by Raymond Briggs but Burt (2 years old) particularly loves crafting with cotton wool at the moment so we decided to make our own fluffy snowman using a milk carton and cotton wool. Dipping the cotton wool in PVA glue was great fun and easy for a toddler to do but it did get pretty messy, so make sure you put newspaper down on the floor and the table to save yourself peeling PVA glue off surfaces for the rest of the week!
To make the Milk Carton Snowman you will need:
- an empty milk carton
- cotton wool balls
- PVA glue
- coloured card to make the nose, eyes, mouth and hat
- creme fraiche pot (for hat)
- scissors
Pour a generous amount of PVA glue into an old margarine tub or similar container and then take one cotton ball and dip it in the glue, then place it anywhere on the milk container. Repeat this process until the whole milk carton is covered. We left the handle of the milk carton slightly exposed so that we could use it to hold onto when ‘flying’ the snowman around.
We left the milk carton and cotton wool drying overnight and then once all the glue was dry we cut out shapes from coloured card for the eyes, nose, mouth and hat. With some careful supervision Burt was keen to get cutting!
You can add whatever details you like or if you don’t have any coloured card you could cut shapes from white paper and colour them in. We stuck a band of green card around a creme fraiche pot for the hat.
We have sat with our Milk Carton Snowman reading The Snowman by Raymond Briggs and also watching the film on DVD, which is still filled with all the magic I felt when I watched it as a girl (many years ago). There has also been lots of fun flying the snowman around the house and acting out scenes from the story, which are easy to imagine given the vivid illustrations in the book.
You can read more about the story that inspired us The Snowman by Raymond Briggs or discover some more snowman crafts and activities.
Have you been inspired by a book to craft, go on an outing or do an activity this week?
Abby Boid says
Fabulous book, fabulous film, fabulous idea - especially impressed with the thinking of using the handle to fly the snow man around. Sounds obvious now you have said it….but it’s not……not to me :-/
Abby Boid recently posted…Happy Bear-day: A poem for my son
In true Blue Peter style, great 🙂
Hellie’s Corner recently posted…Apple Crumble with a Twist
I love it! That looks so great.
Mummy of Two recently posted…New #TheGallery
A lovely idea, I’m definitely stealing this, my daughter would love it.
natalie recently posted…Broadway market - Guest Blogger
Great idea, love it!
Laura recently posted…Christmas @ Butlins
Oooh what a fab idea! My 2 year old is fascinated by The Snowman but I never thought to do any Snowman themed crafts with him.
Amanda recently posted…Road Safety: How do you keep your kids safe?
What a fun wintry craft! Really sweet 🙂
Michelle recently posted…Day 13: What Kind of Sorcery Is This? [Back To The Magic Trip Report 2013]
A great idea!! Even I recall making one of these at school - need to find where the huge cotton wool ball has disappeared to but a great activity!
Sim recently posted…Will The World Stop Turning For Just One Moment?
awwww tooooo cute! I can’t wait for it to snow here, LOVE making snowmen (and women) x
You are soooo good! The mention of scissors and glue usually has me running for the hills! Great craft though xxx
Donna recently posted…Are you thinking about summer yet?
That is ONE CUTE snowman!! Love it! Off to pin.
so cute! lovely craft idea!
Eileen Teo recently posted…App Review: My Little Pony - A Canterlot Wedding
super cute! Wilf loves the snowman so I must try and make this with him! x
Fritha Strickland recently posted…A Winter Walk - Our weekend in pictures
That’s so cool need to do this with the kids .x
Fab idea, I’ve never thought about using a milk carton in crafts
Boo Roo and Tigger Too recently posted…Water {#TheThemeGame}
This looks great. What a fun thing to make to go with the story.
Emma (My Little 3 and Me) recently posted…Printable Valentine Gifts -You’re Dynamite
Love this - very sweet and easy for little hands to manage. You are queen of book related crafts lady!
mammasaurus recently posted…36. How Does Your Garden Grow
What a fab idea one my kiddies would love to do I’m sure
Laura Halls recently posted…Lavish Alice Style MY Way!
Oooh, great idea, we made something similar with a toilet roll before Christmas but I think that this makes a much better shape for the snowman.
Jennifer recently posted…Simple Valentine’s Craft - Heart Sun Catchers
Oh so sweet. Am pinning to my Xmas board for next year!
Mum of One recently posted…DIY Dad and the Decorating Disaster
The Snowman is still a Christmas favorite in our house - like you, I think it’s lost none of its magic over the years. (Ooooh, and David Bowie at the beginning still makes my knees wobble!)
Great craft idea to expand the fun.
Aisha from expatlog recently posted…Expats Are Born Not Made. Discuss
Fabulous post and a great snowman! Funnily enough we have to make a snowman for nursery - bonus 🙂
Great craft idea and so lovely to do once you’ve sat and read the book/watched the film – yes we have both! x
Lori recently posted…OUR URBAN PLAYGROUND
What a fun craft - both to accompany the book, and the snow that usually arrives in february 🙂
Vicky recently posted…Catch 22: skincare in your 30’s and beyond - spots vs. wrinkles
Those milk cartons are fab for so many projects! We’ve been making Indian Elephants with them lol!
TwinsplusTwo recently posted…Independence - the Sequel!
I love this - I’ve pinned it to my crafts boards x x
Cass recently posted…25 things to do as a couple this year….
oh i love this craft! i was thinking of doing something similar! thanks for sharing!
otilia recently posted…Friday Foodie #14 - Healthy
Ahh I love this! I’m trying really hard to get my kids crafting more so this will definitely be going on the list 🙂 x
A great idea. I love pva glue, I’ve got vats of it in our craft cubby!
Louisa recently posted…I am 40, hear me roar!
That is so cool! What a fab idea. My girls would love it. x
Emma recently posted…Science Activities for Valentine’s Day
I so wish I had the creative bone that inspires all your craft after reading a book. Will just have to steal all of yours to do with my kids 🙂
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