This week we’ve been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. This time of year is perfect for reading this classic children’s story. It is a fantastic Spring story, a tale of new life, of growing up and a wonderful introduction to the lifecycle of a butterfly. We made finger puppets so that Burt could act out the story as we read it and then play with the puppets to retell the story in his own words.
To make The Very Hungry Caterpillar Finger Puppets you will need:
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar Finger Puppet Templates for the Caterpillar and Butterfly
- Card or thick paper (green, red, purple, yellow and blue)
- Scissors
- Glue
If your toddler or child is ready then they can cut out the shapes themselves but in our case I pre-cut out the shapes for the caterpillar.
Then Burt put the pieces together and stuck them with glue. Just make sure that the two pieces with holes for the fingers are next to each other and roughly side by side. I also cut out a leaf for our caterpillar to nibble on.
We made the butterfly in exactly the same way. Firstly, I cut out all the pieces.
Then, Burt stuck all the pieces together using a glue stick.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar finger puppets are really easy to make. It didn’t take us long and then we could start playing! We took our finger puppets outside to explore the garden.
I also gave Burt a magnifying glass so that we could really investigate the outdoors!
We ran around the garden with our butterflies fluttering and there might even have been a moment when they caterpillar and butterfly got a lift on a trike!
Our vegetable patch is dormant at the moment but I am sure that we will have plenty of caterpillars once we have planted out all our seedlings. For now, our finger puppets were the only caterpillar and butterfly we found.
You can read more about the story that inspired us The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle or discover some more crafts and activities linked to the book.
Have you been inspired by a book to craft, go on an outing or do an activity this week?
Thank you so much to the fantastic Fun Crafts Kids for featuring my The Very Hungry Caterpillar Finger Puppets. Check out the website for lots of inspiration for kids crafts and activities.
One of my all time favourite books! Lovely pictures and great extension ideas.
TwinsplusTwo recently posted…When is assault “Assault”?
OOOh how my reception class would love this. Inspiring you always are.
ninjacat recently posted…How Sharing Can save you Money!
Oh my gosh - these are adorable and so simple! Thank you - I shall dig out some coloured card so that O and I can have a go

Amanda recently posted…Let’s Talk About Women’s Health: Endometriosis and Me
They are great fun to play with so give it a try and let me know how you go x
Love this book and the puppets are gorgeous. Wish I had little ones again xx
What a cute idea, my son and I both love The Hungry Caterpillar and we’re always ready it together. Can’t wait to make it
Very creative idea! I’m going to babysit my brother soon so would be nice to find something interesting to do with him 😉 Bookmarked!
These are so lovely! The Hungry Caterpillar is a big favourite in our house so I have pinned this for future reference!
Mummy of Two recently posted…New toys from Bandai for Little Mr A
Brilliant idea! This is a favourite in our house so we shall be trying this out!
Bek recently posted…End of the holidays
This is super awesome!! I love that The Very Hungry Caterpillar is still as popular as ever!
Michelle recently posted…#NoMakeupSelfie [Project 365:2014 - Day 79]
I always enjoy learning new crafts to keep my Grandson busy while he is at my house. What a very cute craft this is.
Terry recently posted…RIDSET The Full Body Detox Cleanse That I Will Be Using ~ Parasite Cleanse ~ Organ Detox ~ Weight Loss
How brilliant is this?! The Very Hungry Caterpillar was always one of my absolute favourite reads (and the kids’ too of course!).
suzanne3childrenandit recently posted…The Hills are Alive / Loud ‘n’ Proud
These are just brilliant. Have pinned to make with the boy.
One of my all time favourite books! Some great ideas Kirsty for my day off with Erin.
Aw these are just gorgeous, as others have said, makes me wish mine littler again! Perhaps we can make them for baby cousin!
Penny A Residence recently posted…Get your kit ON, with Cycle Centre
Wow these look fab! I am loving all of the activities for this great book! x
Kirsty - Hijacked by Twins recently posted…Chocolate Orange Bread and Butter Pudding
That’s really sweet! You could keep him entertained for ages by making the caterpillar “food” in the coming weeks too! 😀 Emma xx
i used to love this story as a child and we actually made similar caterpillars not long ago in the nursery
Oh these are super, super cute
Jen aka The Mad House recently posted…Homemade Kid friendly mothers day gifts and cards - Something for the weekend
Those finger puppets are lovely! Will pin to try them later

Kate Williams recently posted…Dulux Bedroom in a Box
Awwww those are so cute!!!
maggy, red ted art recently posted…Bedroom in a Box
We love the hungry caterpillar books in our house and when I was childminding it was the most popular story sack that I had. I wish I had realised how easy these crafts were though as I could have done these with all the children.
Tired Mummy of Two recently posted…So your thinking of taking the kids to Cbeebies Live?
These are fab and it looks like they had a big adventure in your garden. I think T would really enjoy this so one to save for the Easter break.
Cat (Yellow Days) recently posted…Win a box of Oliver Jeffers How to Catch a Star goodies to celebrate its 10th Anniversary
Excellent! Love this idea as we like the book so much. So colourful.
Sam recently posted…Pull a weed, lose a worry
Ohh clever lady, mine area bit old for these now but they are super fab. Mich x
Michelle Twin Mum recently posted…As a parent I am the antidote to the norms and expectations of society
What a fantastic idea! So creative
Sarah Bailey recently posted…Sabichi Pug Range: Review
These are amazing……love this idea - have pinned to my crafting with kids board
Kara recently posted…Let’s Talk About Number 2′s
What an amazing idea - you are so talented.
Pinkoddy recently posted…Real life Maths - Counting Money
It’s such a classic book isn’t it? Yet the children still love it, my 2 still enjoy reading it and seeing the beautiful butterfly appear.
Ben recently posted…A boy and his tutu
Ahhh, Kirsty these are amazing! Have just pinned them to my Rainy Day ideas board. They’re so simple but just adorable, and who doesn’t love the Very Hungry Caterpillar?! Great post, thanks so much for the inspiration
these are fantastic! love it! x
Fritha Strickland recently posted…our weekend in pictures
This is so fab, and looks really simple to make too! Lovely pictures x
Charlotte recently posted…Silent Sunday - 23/03/2014
These look brilliant! Thank you for sharing at #Pintorials x
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